In a continuous effort to give visibility to the companies in the Aeronautics, Space and Defence sector, AED Cluster Portugal has prepared a new online segment – “Cluster Interviews” – to present the Portuguese companies (and their representatives), their opinion on the present of the subsectors they work in and their role and activities in the context of the future challenges these subsectors will face.
To further explain this segment, here is the pilot interview with Mr. Rui Santos, Managing Director of AED Cluster Portugal.
“Cluster Interviews” are, essentially, a visibility window. The Aeronautics, Space and Defence sectors have undergone a huge evolution in recent years and Portugal has been able to keep up with this growth. It is therefore very important to show international players that our country is fully integrated into the current global sectors and that we are a prepared partner to embrace the challenges and demands that present (and future) contexts require.
Additionally, there is also an “internal” objective in this segment … We want th Portuguese companies to continue to work together and to increase the sharing of synergies that helps Portugal to grow. This is only possible if national actors are informed about who are the entities of the industrial and scientific landscape and what capacities and visions they have within the various sub-sectors of activity.
Thus, this turns out to be a reflection of two major premises of AED’s work: the international recognition/visibility and the reinforcement of links and knowledge among the actors of the Portuguese ecosystem.
The subject will always be related to activities in the Aeronautics, Space and Defence sectors (eg satellites, MRO, metallic additive manufacturing, etc.) and will be defined according to the relevance of these activities within the current national and international context. The same is to say that we will always discuss hot topics during conversations with respondents.
Within these hot topics, which will be the basis of the conversation, the interviews will have two major focuses: the view of the interviewees and the activities of your company. The questions are therefore subordinate to the topic at hand and may vary from case to case, but always following this pattern of two-headed approach.
Any representative of Portuguese companies working in the Aeronautics, Space and/or Defence sectors may be interviewed, using audiovisual or text only (as available), and for Cluster members there is no cost involved in this process.
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