AED Days 2024
AED Days is an event that brings together the Portuguese Aeronautics, Space and Defence ecosystem together with the main international players within these industries.

AED Days is an event that brings together the Portuguese Aeronautics, Space and Defence ecosystem together with the main international players within these industries.

This event is organized by AED Cluster Portugal in partnership with Oeiras City Council and this year will be its 11th edition and will take place from May 7th to 9th, 2024.

This year’s edition will have three days and four distinct moments:

In the 11th edition of its main event, AED Cluster Portugal will, once more, gather the Portuguese Aeronautics, Space and Defence ecosystem along with the major international players of these industries, to debate the present and future challenges of this sectors.

This event is an excellent opportunity to meet with the main national and international players in these industries and seek collaborations and commercial partnerships.

Register here to participate in this great event!

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