The Portuguese Cluster for the Aeronautics, Space and Defence industries received the “Bronze” label of excellence, awarded by the international certifying entity, ESCA (European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis).
Eligible only for the “Bronze” category, as it is an organization with only 3 years of activity, AED Cluster Portugal congratulates and thanks all its members and partners who contributed to making this milestone possible. This is an acknowledgment that not only certifies the work carried out by the team but, above all, underlines the cooperation and development environment within the Cluster.
Elegível apenas para a categoria “Bronze”, pelo facto de ser uma organização com apenas 3 anos de atividade, a AED Cluster Portugal congratula e agradece a todos os seus membros e parceiros que contribuíram para que este marco fosse possível. Este é um reconhecimento que não só certifica o trabalho desenvolvido pela equipa mas que, sobretudo, sublinha o ambiente de cooperação e desenvolvimento dentro do Cluster.
“This label turns out to be the recognition of our work and it is also a recognition for our associates engaging with us daily, giving us the will and the opportunity to continue the excellent evolution that we have been achieving for the Aeronautics, Space and Defence sectors in Portugal. The next step will be to continue the good work in order to achieve the ‘Gold’ label when we come of age”, says Rui Santos, Managing Director of AED Cluster Portugal.
This label intends to highlight Clusters that are focused on excellence, improving their management skills and performance levels. To be eligible for this recognition, organisations must meet three requirements: present a technological initiative, sectoral or regional, with at least 15 participants engaged in the Cluster, mostly from the private sector; the Cluster organization must support collaboration, networking and business support to stimulate innovative activities, especially for SMEs; and must also be listed on the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP).
This was an initiative launched by the European Commission in 2009, through the development of a European Cluster benchmarking methodology to promote the improvement of the management processes of these organizations and the quality of services for their members and associates.
Achieving the label of excellence, awarded by ESCA, was one of the AED Cluster Portugal’s goals for 2020.
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