AED supports ESA’s pioneer initiative for first parastronaut
ESA opened a vacancy for a parastronaut position, for the first time. AED supports this unprecedented initiative, aiming to gather Portuguese candidates and help them with the recruitment process, while extending its support to candidates for the position of astronaut.

AED Cluster Portugal will support the pioneer initiative of the European Space Agency (ESA), which aims to place the first handicapped astronaut in space.

“In a first for ESA and human spaceflight worldwide, ESA is looking for individual(s) who are psychologically, cognitively, technically and professionally qualified to be an astronaut, but have a physical disability that would normally prevent them from being selected due to the requirements imposed by the use of current space hardware”, you can read in ESA’s announcement for the Parastronaut Feasibilioty Project.

Currently, ESA is looking for candidates for astronauts and has, for the first time in history, an open position for parastronauts. In this sense, and as representatives of the sector in Portugal, AED intends to publicize this unprecedented opportunity and is available to help candidates, both for the position of parastronaut and astronaut, in the application process. The ultimate goal is to place the first Portuguese in space.

“This initiative is another step towards inclusion. It is a privilege for us to support the candidates and it would be a tremendous pride for all Portuguese to have the first national astronaut in space. In this sense, AED is available to provide the necessary support to any candidate throughout the entire recruitment process, whether for astronaut or parastronaut vacancies.”, states Ivo Vieira, Vice-President and Space Comission Coordinator of AED Cluster Portugal.

The applies for this vacancy should be submitted until the 28th of May, directly in ESA’s plataforma. However, any Portuguese interested in applying should contact AED (by email, so that we can help prepare the application and support during the entire recruitment process.

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