North Macedonia joins NATO
The flag raising ceremony, outside NATO's headquarters, happened today and officialised the new State-Member.
image rights: NATO

North Macedonia has been officialised as NATO’s State-Member today, at the headquarters of the alliance, in Brussels (Belgium).

The flag raising ceremony was held with only 3 people assisting, due to the safety and hygiene measures everyone must follow these days: Jens Stoltenberg (NATO Secretary General), Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach (Chairman of the NATO Military Committee) and Zoran Todorov (Chargé d’Affaires of the Delegation of North Macedonia to NATO).

NATO countries signed North Macedonia’s accession protocol in February, after which all 29 national parliaments ratified the country’s membership. The country, with recognised independency in 1993, is now NATO’s 30th State-Member.

Speaking last Friday on this matter, NATO’s Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said:

“North Macedonia is now part of the NATO family, a family of thirty nations and almost one billion people. A family based on the certainty that, no matter what challenges we face, we are all stronger and safer together.”

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