The project “Indupymes 4.0: Digital Factory for Industrial SMEs” was officially presented on December 11, at an event held at Torre Sevilla, with the participation of more than 50 company representatives.
Belonging to the 2nd Call of the INTERREG VA Spain Portugal Program (POCTEP), this project has as its main purpose to help the automotive, naval and aerospace SMEs, as well as their supply chains, to integrate into the new concept of digital factory. All this through the transfer of knowledge and the use of existing R&D&I infrastructures in the Andalusia and Alentejo regions.
The event started with an overview of the Project, presented by the leader entity, the Andalucia Foundation for the Aerospace Development (FADA-CATEC), more precisely by their representatives, Fernando Lasagni e Paloma Vega, which were followed in this opening by Carmen Sillero, from Agência IDEA, and Carlos Jacinto, from the Metal Entrepreneurs Federation (FEDEME).
The day continued to a Round Table, where big companies and the main SMEs of the project’s target-sectors participated:
The session presented experiences on technology transfer and best practices in sector 4.0, the challenges and success factors as well as the strengths and weaknesses of SMEs in relation to the 4.0 integration.
Indupymes 4.0 also intends to encourage commercial investment in R&D&I and develop links and synergies between companies, research centers and the higher education sector in both regions. Thus, the Project will improve the participation of the commercial fabric in the market’s closest R&D&I processes and activities in the cross-border region of Andalusia and Alentejo.
The project will be developed over the period 2019-2021 and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund ERDF under the Interreg V Spain – Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 program.
Indupymes 4.0 has a total budget of € 1,340,364 (€ 1,005,273 cofinancing the Interreg POCTEP Program).
Collaborating Partners
The consortium responsible for the development of the Indupymes 4.0 project consists of a total of 11 partners from the Alentejo and Andalusia regions, under the leadership of the Andalusian Aerospace Development Foundation (FADA-CATEC). The other participating partners are:
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